Mobile development
Development of mobile applications and platforms of any complexity. Refinement and support of existing applications and platforms
"According to analysts, the share of mobile traffic is growing every year. More and more people go online using a mobile phone rather than a desktop computer. Therefore, many businesses simply need to have a high-quality mobile application to remain competitive in the market."
Mobile applications for any business purposes
For internal corporate use
Our developments help solve problems within the company: simplify and automate the work of the HR service, analyze business activity indicators, plan activities and manage key processes, conduct electronic document management, accumulate and securely store data.
For end consumers
If your focus is on end consumers, then mobile apps will help you attract and retain the most demanding customers. Upon request, we will implement loyalty programs and personalized offers, launch modern online sales channels and provide services focused on the specifics of your business.
We offer
  • Creating applications from scratch
    We made the application development process as transparent as possible for the customer: we analyze business requirements and business goals, draw up a design concept, prepare technical specifications, and test the finished product
  • Pre-project study
    We work with technical specifications of any degree of readiness. Based on the customer's idea, we will form documents on the solution architecture, make a forecast of its feasibility, efficiency and development prospects
  • Designing the solution architecture
    We start with developing a project sketch. It includes a description of the main components of mobile and web applications, their interaction with the backend. We select technologies, design patterns and deployment methods, describe the main modules and their functions. We take into account the scalability, performance and security of the system when developing the solution architecture.
  • Analytics of the current application
    We will offer an expert analysis of the solution architecture. We will check how convenient it is from the point of view of User Experience (UX), conduct a code review and load testing. Based on the collected data, we will recommend possible directions for changes and development
  • Refinement and support of the current application
    We will provide technical support services, add or improve existing functionality
Stages of mobile application development
We provide a clear and transparent development process. We solve various client tasks: from analyzing business requirements and consumer expectations to creating a fully finished product. Project teams include developers, team/tech leads, system architects, analysts, UI/UX designers, Q&A engineers, project managers.
General understanding of the project goals and purpose of the mobile application
  • We study in detail the customer’s business goals and the proposed ways to achieve them;
  • We adjust business requirements if necessary.
Selecting a project methodology
  • Agile is an iterative approach to development. The scope of tasks is defined for a short iteration - a sprint. The methodology is suitable for projects with a high degree of uncertainty;
  • Waterfall — the "waterfall" approach. The scope of all project tasks is determined in advance. A detailed work plan for the entire project is drawn up and reflected in the Gantt chart. Suitable for solutions whose goals and functionality are clearly understood and cannot be revised.
Preparing functional requirements for a mobile application
  • We clarify all the details of the proposed functionality of the mobile application;
  • We develop functional requirements for the application in the format of Use Cases or User Stories, depending on the depth of understanding of these requirements by the customer.
Preparing the solution architecture
  • We define the main technological components of the solution;
  • We select the most suitable technology stack.
Preparing the technical infrastructure of the solution
  • Setting up the development environment;
  • Creating a version control system;
  • Deployment of server infrastructure;
  • Setting up a CI/CD system;
  • Creating the necessary environments.
Development of a project roadmap
  • Definition of project stages and their deadlines;
  • Prioritization of project stages;
  • Identifying risks for each stage.
Development of a design concept for a mobile application
  • Study of references provided by the customer;
  • Visualization of several screens of the future mobile application;
  • Development of styles, fonts, color solutions for a mobile application.
Application development
  • Preparation of design layouts for mobile application screens;
  • Screen layout;
  • Development of software code in accordance with design and functional requirements;
  • Connecting analytical services.
Testing the mobile application
  • Testing the developed functionality for compliance with design layouts and functional requirements for different operating systems and mobile devices;
  • Load testing.
Pilot industrial operation
  • Testing the functionality of a mobile application on a small sample of users;
  • Preparing instructions for users and/or administrators of the mobile application.
Industrial exploitation
  • Placing a mobile application in the AppStore and GooglePlay;
  • Ensuring smooth operation of the mobile application.
12 months warranty
  • Correction of errors identified during operation of the mobile application.